The Aloba family, who lost their beloved singer, Ilerioluwa Aloba, also known as Mohbad, has initiated a new autopsy to figure out what led to his...
Burna Boy, the Nigerian musician, once again managed to fill the 80,000-seat stadium in London with his fans. The Grammy award-winning artist delivered an outstanding performance...
American Music Icon Justin Timberlake has been detained in New York City on allegations related to driving while under the influence. The Pop Sensation was caught...
Lagos, the vibrant heart of Nigeria, pulsates with energy day and night. As the sun dips below the horizon, the city transforms into a playground for...
Are you a movie lover that is searching for a good cinema in Lagos to rewind with? This article contains the list of the top best...
Genesis Cinema Maryland Mall is a Popular Cinema in Lagos. Are you searching for the latest movies Genesis Cinema is showing? This article contains everything you...
Nigeria is a nation blessed with talents and this has been the reason why artists from Nigeria are highly respected and are the most listened to...